Yada ninya ggwa di (lagi)?
What kind of small animal is this?
4. Young Animals in Springtime
Yen k’i k’dechiga q’ent’a.
This looks like a moose calf.
This looks like a moose calf.
(Gini k’i) k’egguya ggwa ggeh (gu) nugheyuł.
A baby rabbit is walking around here.
A baby rabbit is walking around here.
K’eyush ggwa gu nugheyuŁ.
A small bear cub is walking around here.
A small bear cub is walking around here.
Ghedishla k’eyush gu nugheyuł.
A black bear cub is walking around here.
A black bear cub is walking around here.
Yada q’u ghin’an?
What did you see?
What did you see?
Naggets’i k’egguya ggwa ngheł’an.
I saw a (small) fox pup.
I saw a (small) fox pup.
Beq’e ch’etniyi k’egguya gga ngheł’an.
I saw a baby wolf.
I saw a baby wolf.
Łegga (ggwa) ngheª’an.
I saw the (small) puppies.
I saw the (small) puppies.