Qałnigi shlaq’a dnichit.
Give me the rock.
5. Give me, hand me different objects (I)
Shkit’una shlaq’a dichit.
Give me my hat.
Give me my hat.
Chayu shghu danłtl’idi shlaq’a dichit.
Give me the tea you poured for me.
Give me the tea you poured for me.
Chayu shu danłtl’idi shlaq’a dichit.
Give me the tea you poured for me.
Give me the tea you poured for me.
Biłni shu niqush cup at.
Give me the water in a cup.
Give me the water in a cup.
Biłni shu danłtl’idi shlaq’a dichit sa’i.
Give me the water that you poured for me.
Give me the water that you poured for me.
łegga shlaq’a nłghuł (iy).
Give me the puppy.
Give me the puppy.
Ch’anigen gga k’a shlaq’a nłghuł (k’a) shi.
Give me the baby too.
Give me the baby too.